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AI NSFW art generated on

The Most Popular NSFW AI Art Genres

AI generated NSFW art is more popular and accessible than ever. There are even Reddit pages dedicated to NSFW AI Art with more than 100k followers.

AI allows users to take full control over their creative desires when creating art. You control everything, starting from the location, and ending with the AI characters eye colour and everything in between.

In this post we will take a closer look at various styles in which users can create their art.

Anime NSFW AI Art

Originated in Japan, originally it was a hand drawn cartoon, featuring vivid graphics, energetic characters and provocative themes. With such characteristics anime quickly gained popularity and it didn’t take long for artists to incorporate the style in their artworks.

The exaggerated and surreal nature of anime allowed for provocative and erotic elements to be added to the artworks, setting it apart from every other style.

Today, anime has a worldwide following, making it one of the most popular NSFW art categories.
With the use of AI, users now can create their own anime inspired art, making the most out of the styles immersive visual experience and sensuality. Here are two examples made with NSFW AI generator:

AI NSFW Art Example generated on
This image generated on
AI NSFW Art Example generated on
This NSFW character was generated on

It’s important to note that there are numerious anime-inspired styles, some drawing inspiration from real life, while others explore the limitless realms of imagination. You can explore each and every one of those styles using our image generator.

Fanstasy NSFW AI Art

Fantasy genre in a mix of drawings and reality. Unlike anime’s very distinctive and recognisable look, fiction genre usually have real human elements and can be made in a wide range of styles and aesthetics.

Fantasy AI NSFW art focus on dreamlike scenarios and has a wide variety of themes, such as medieval, mythical and science fiction. Digital drawings are blend of realistic and fantasy drawings, combining drawn realistic looking people with dremalike aesthetics.

AI NSFW Art Example
Credits the fantasy art go to michin on Civitai

Cyberpunk NSFW AI Art

A genre that became more popular with AI image generation is called Cyberpunk.

It portrays futuristic, high-tech world, often associated with urban, overpopulated landscapes filled with neon lights with dark and moody atmosphere.

Characters in NSFW cyberpunk art often have cybernetic enhancements or modifications that are incorporated into the scenes, blurring the line between human and machine.

AI NSFW Art Example generated on
AI Cyberpunk NSFW image generated on
AI NSFW Art Example generated on
Cyberpunk NSFW art generated on

Realistic NSFW AI images

As the name suggests, realistic emulated real life, like you are looking at a real person in a real scenario. Now in 2023, AI can replicate human looks, lighting and textures making it almost impossible to differentiate it from a real photography.

Realistic art also has many possible styles, such as casual photo, cinematic, period-correct and even deep nude (wondering if deep nude is legal? check our opinion: AI Undress Apps Legal Or Not? The Naked Truth).

4 Types of Realistic AI NSFW Art:

Casual photo is meant to look like content You would find browsing the internet – unedited, no professional setups – but the output is incredibly realistic and it’s very easy to forget it was made by AI.

Cinematic photo adds a layer of immersion and aesthetic to the image, it’s achieved by making the image look carefully curated and by using professional like lighting. It’s like a scene from a high budget movie. In other words, as perfect, as it can be.

Users can also create period-correct looking images. Period-correct means that the image accurately reflects the time it was supposed to be taken in. For example, a 1990s period-correct image would be dominated by vibrant colors, the presence of iconic items like lava lamps, funky patterns, and posters that were iconic to the era. Girl would wear high-waisted jeans or
a crop top, “Rachel” haircut in possibly bright hair dyes.

Deep nude also fits in realistic category. It typically involves using a real photograph as a base, after which AI is used to make necessary modifications. Deep nude art often is used for the removal of clothing, but it can also create a nude image using only a person’s face as a reference.

AI NSFW Art Example generated on
NSFW AI image generated on
AI NSFW Art Example generated on
Also this NSFW art was generated on


AI has created many possibilites when it comes to creating NSFW art. As we have discovered, there are genres of art for every preference and taste, whether it’s anime or realistic, or any other style.

Use of AI makes it incredibly easy and quick to achieve the desired result and even more, as most AI engines are quite advanced. NSFW art is a fast developing nieche, and with time, the generated images will be even better than they are now!

Most of the examples were made using AI art generator and you can do it too, sign up today and get 10 credits for 50 free pictures! It is possible to generate NSFW AI art on, and we also support AI undress function (users can only do it on their own fictional characters).